Design Unplugged

Web Design Lauren Harpum Web Design Lauren Harpum

Common Web Design Mistakes to Avoid for Better Business

In today's digital world, having a well-designed website is crucial for any business to establish its online presence and attract potential customers. However, creating a website that is visually appealing and user-friendly can be a daunting task. Many businesses make common web design mistakes that can negatively impact their online presence and hinder their success.

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Lauren Harpum Lauren Harpum

Signs You Need Expert SEO Help - Red Flags to Watch Out For!

Search engine optimisation (SEO) involves optimising your website to rank higher across various search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. It’s a crucial aspect of digital marketing, as it helps increase your online visibility and attract more potential customers to your website.

However, SEO is constantly evolving and requires expertise, experience, and constant updates to keep up with the latest trends and algorithms.

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Branding Lauren Harpum Branding Lauren Harpum

Brand Design & Its Impact on the Success of your Business

A brand identity is an image that you project onto consumers. It's how people see you and what they remember about you. And having a strong, recognisable brand identity makes marketing easier—because people already know who you are before they hear about your latest offer.

This article will share a step-by-step guide to creating a powerful brand identity for your business.

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Branding Lauren Harpum Branding Lauren Harpum

A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a Powerful Brand Identity

Businesses must establish a powerful brand identity that sets them apart. A brand is more than just your business logo or a tagline; it is the overall image and perception that people have of a company. A well-designed brand can have a significant impact on the success of a business.

In this article, we will see the importance of creative brand design and its effect on the success of your business.

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Eight reasons why you need a Graphic Design Retainer

Working with a graphic designer on a retainer can be a great way to ensure that you have consistent, quality design work without having to search for a new designer every time you need a project completed.

Read on to discover some of the benefits of working with a graphic designer on a retainer.

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